I’ve got a Challenge scheduled for the 4th of July and then two more events after that but I don’t know what I want to do next. I was talking to a friend at work (MK) and we were talking goals and depending on how much I hate this marathon, I want to try a 50 miler and moon-goal of 100 miler. Like, a real ultra. That or I can try to achieve the 315 squat/405 deadlift goal. I can’t really do both due to…no desire to train that hard but really, what else am I going to do? When will I have another chance to train my ass off and achieve The Dream™? I’ll probably retire from GORUCK after this. This shit is getting expensive.
All right. I’m a liar. I’m not actually retiring from GORUCK. I’m not even on a Retirement Tour™. It’s more like…
GORUCK 2: The New Batch
The GORUCK Reloaded
GORUCK 2: I paid for this…again?
I don’t want to get all philosophical with a GORUCK-changed-my-life post but it did. Not like, overcoming obstacles, fighting inner demons and shit like that because honestly, I’ve had way more stressful times and wanted to quit a lot more things in life and didn’t. What it did change was my day-to-day or month-to-month stuff. That is, I actually have things to do and I plan stuff/events now because of this cult.
So I message/text more GORUCK people on a day-to-day basis than I do my uh…growing up friends. This is not specific to GORUCK in that I’m sure people do that with their gym crew, party crew or knitting crew and well, I kind of found my home. So we have group texts, group chats and whatnot and I probably know more about them on a day-to-day basis than some of my close friends growing up. Which isn’t to say you’re closer to them than your pre-hobby friends but you can talk to them about stuff more. Like, I’ve got friends who are married and have kids and I have absolutely nothing to talk to them about because we don’t have anything in common anymore. Not that it’s a bad thing, it’s just a Life™ thing. I’m not looking to belong. I’m kind of a loner. Not in a cool lone-wolf-leather-jacket kind of way but more of a socially-awkward-can’t-make-friends kind of way. I’m not shy but I’m pretty introverted (I think I am, anyway) unless I start drinking and then I’m just an asshole. Really, the best vacation I’ve ever had was when I was off of work for two weeks and read one book a day while staying at home.
I’ve never been one to travel. I’d make excuses like I can’t afford it (usually true) or I didn’t really want to be out and about but that’s kind of a lie. It’s fun to travel, no doubt, but that sight seeing touristy stuff is not that exciting to me. It’s cool to take a picture and all that but I don’t usually go back and look at pictures so it’s kind of dumb. What I do like about GORUCK is that I’ll schedule trips out to do an event in a city I’ve always wanted to visit. It gives me a reason to be out there other than “oh hey let’s go out there” because, well, I’m not very sociable. This kind of forces me to be sociable.

See? I get to hang out with these geniuses.