gettin gold

A few years ago I was drunk posting on/around my birthday and I hashtagged it #gettingold – Getting Old – and a few seconds later I was commenting on my own post because I’m lame (awesome) and misread it as “gettin’ gold” and I laughed at myself so hard. That’s probably the funniest I will ever be in my life and you know, I’m OK with that. It was hysterical. Peak Fun! Just between me and you (all 3 people who read this blog), the order in which I say “#” in my head is pound, number sign, octothorpe and lastly, hashtag.

Mobility and lifting

I started doing 5×5 in 2011 and lifted pretty regularly for about 3 months. At a body weight of 175, I maxed out my last 5×5 squat at 245 (265 @ 1×5), 315 1rm deadlift and I don’t bench press so a pitiful 175 1×5. After that, I got into running and then got into GORUCK and then got into some tendinitis. For 2014, I don’t actually have any major events after my Puerto Rico Challenge and will focus on lifting heavy shit and eating all the food, all the time and it’s going to be awesome.

I’ve been having trouble with squatting and glute/ham activation so I figured I’d spend 2014 getting mobile. I ordered Becoming a Supple Leopard when it came out (pre-order in April…just finally opened it after all these months) but figured it’s time to get down to business. I’ve been foam rolling and beating my legs with The Stick to help with my recovery. After my friend Matt decided to become The Lord of CrossFit, he realized he had to work on mobility (finally!) so we both ordered some lacrosse balls, a weird Gemini thing and I got me a band for Happy Clam Shell Action. I didn’t know I’d get this much into it but that’s the way Mobility go.


2014 Bee’s Hips Won’t Lie

(yes, those beers were harmed during the rolling of my hamstrings)








