
I went to the Adele concert the other day. Me and 3 of my temporarily-closest friends got together to share our love of all things Adele.

Traffic worst raffic

Well, it’s not true love if you don’t fork out $60 for a t-shirt that says HELLO on it, right? Maybe extreme LIKE of Adele. Sorry, I don’t love you that much mofo. Plus, I have a bunch of t-shirts with my image or likeness on them. Thanks JB and Eric Wang worst ang.

Back it up into January when the tickets went on sale. I ended up with four tickets to Adele because when I bought the tickets back you had to get online and it’s kind of a lottery to be able to buy tickets. I guess they all work this way. I tried to get tickets but didn’t get in and my friend Michael was able to get four tickets so I asked him to get all four. Now I just need to find some friends who want to go. Turns out, I don’t have any friends who are into amazing music.


So hanging out at the wrapping party and I mention I have tickets still and Angelar gets in on it, she invites one friend and eventually two. So we’re heading to the concert and we start talking about eyebrows and I mentioned one of my GRT friends had hers tattooed and I asked about how permanent they were and then 45 minutes later we were done talking about eyebrows, eyelashes and some other shit I tuned out. I did not know you could talk that long about eyebrows and eyelashes. One of life’s mysteries is no longer a mystery.

So, the concert was cool. We got stuck in an endless loop of trying to find parking and then we ended up back where we started originally. Our seats were up on the third floor in the scrub section but they were kinda close to her, I guess.

The intro was awesome, they rolled her out in a closed equipment box and then she rises up from the middle of a stage and starts with HELLO. I lost my shit it was awesome.

Adele concerts are incredible in that she can sing her ass off and I just love her music but it’s not something you get hyped up for. She’ll sing a song and we all sat there in awe of how…magical it was. Now I know why people travel far for concerts.


Like, I didn’t get to rock out like I did at my first concert (Michelle Branch @ Trees waaaaaaaaaaay back in the day!! *heart eyes* 😍😍😍) and definitely the most fun I’ve had at a concert was Bad Boys Blue when I sang my ass off and possibly had one or five too many beers.

I kept texting my homeboy Ed throughout the concert and comparing notes and we had the same experience: in love with Adele’s voice.

I need more concerts in my life. Live music is such a fantastic experience.