my life in chat

So I’m in a few chat groups because who doesn’t like being added to a bunch of chats. Here are some excerpts/screenshots because I’m phoning it in this week #dealwithit

Regarding spotting random gym members.


Most of these are centered around me because I likes me some of me. I occasionally make new friends.

random GRT!

This has only happened twice – people I don’t know have reached out to me to tell me they enjoy my blog. Feels pretty cool to make people laugh. Say one thing about Bee Yang, say that he made someone laugh once.

Nice words are nice.
See, anyone can do a Challenge. Even me.

Appreciate the…support, chat room buddy.

One of my longer running group chats.
Plotting against me.

First time I went to Puerto Rico I got pretty drunk while on the Internet and was like “FUCK YEAH I’M GOING TO PUERTO RICO” and no shit I went to PR.

The second time I went to Puerto Rico I was like “fuck no I’m not going” and then I got drunk on the Internets again and Jason convinced me to go to Puerto Rico.

I’m sensing a pattern.

Pro-tip: don’t save your cc information or memorize it because then you can’t buy all of the things.

Inspirational Bee being inspirational, bitches.


I don’t bring much to a Challenge except for the humors…and lots of bitching.

At the DC Heavy, they gave everyone random packages of food and the referenced action is after I failed the 12 mile ruck march and wanted to give someone their five pounds back. Bastard was in the other class and took his dry bag of food/med equipment back at the end. Jokes on him I gave away all his food in the wee hours of the morning.

So that’s my daily social interaction. Talking shit and getting made fun. It’s fantastic and everyone should take themselves as seriously as I take myself.

It’s all about me.